Your Only Concern in Life Should Be Becoming ABSOLUTELY OBSESSED WITH YOURSELF
PC: Pinterest
I feel like this is a topic of self love has been fascinating me for a long time — the difference in quality of life when you love yourself vs. when you don’t. I talk about it quite frequently from different angles, whether it’s through the lens of finding happiness or enjoying some alone time. Over and over again, I wonder what the point of life is (like anyone else). Is it to work hard and achieve your goals? Is it to find a partner who sticks with you ‘till the end? Is it to serve others and become a reliable helping hand? I think the answer is: all of the above. But what connects all the points together? More specifically, what makes all the points even possible, simultaneously? It’s that you need to be absolutely utterly and seriously, happy with yourself.
I can’t achieve my goals if I don’t believe in myself and have confidence in my skills. I can’t find a partner who sticks with me ‘till the end if I don’t even stick by my own side — I’m not a pleasant person when I don’t nurture love in myself and love attracts love, after all. And i’m certainly not going to be able to serve others and fill their cups if my own cup is empty. So the answer is first and foremost: I need to be obsessed with myself.
Take the word “obsessed” lightly. What I really mean is: no one else can live life through this body and mind, only I can. Whether I like it or not, I’m going to have to stick with me till I die. It’s both scary and relieving, because no matter how much I mess up or age, I will still be there with me — I’m not going to be able to abandon myself and I won’t ever be alone. I can always count on the fact that I will have to be there, and for that reason, I must be comfortable with my own company. Cities change, partners change, friends change, jobs change… literally nothing is certain in life except for the fact that you’re going to be there with you to witness it all. And therefore I say your only job in life is to become completely obsessed with yourself. Love your hair, your thoughts, your eyes, your body, your mind, your quirks, your talents, your awkward, your everything. Life is too meaningless to become upset about any of the above.
I don’t know what it was with me, but I’ve always had some weird disassociation with life and the ability to step out of my body and look at it from a third person’s perspective. There were episodes where I had a ton of friends, and episodes where I was completely alone. In moments where I’m surrounded by people and accepted into society I feel so good that I forget to cater to myself. And thus, life goes downward after some time. But when I have time to think about myself, my position in life, and come to a neutral (and thus, peacefully accepting) state of life, I create an energy from within me that attracts the right people.
I work in the fashion industry, and I’m surrounded by girls who are ten ten tens across the board. And yet, I wouldn’t trade myself for anything — nothing can replace my story, the love my mom poured into me for decades, spending two hours a day teaching me piano. Nothing can replace the lengths my dad went to make sure I grew up speaking German, Japanese, and English and have access to all three of my cultures. Only I get to have that dear to my heart, and remembering that this is what’s important to me keeps me happy to be in my skin. And so long as I’m content in this tiny space I hold on earth, everything that surrounds me miraculously works itself out too.