Everything I’m Leaving In 2023, And The ENERGY I’M BRINGING INTO 2024
PC: @biancabiancak
I always think it’s important to reflect on your life and see what’s been working, what hasn’t. And while of course you can do this any time of the year, there’s no denying that there’s something much more ritualistic about doing it at the end of a year. I’ve spent the last week journaling almost every single day, getting lost in my brain as I dissected the happenings, wondering how I can grow from them, and what to do differently in the new year. It’s been therapeutic, but it’s also been very raw and real, at times painful. I don’t believe in dwelling on things in the past, but there is a thing about learning from it and deciding what to take with you in the upcoming journey.
I’ve had a lot of successes this year, and for that I am very grateful. I’ve also shed a lot of tears — probably more than I ever have in my life — trying to fix something that’s been broken. Nothing, however, is in vain, because there are lessons to be learned, changes to be made, and growing to do. Now after a week and probably 20 pages of journaling, I can dust my hands and feel much more organized, refreshed, and ready to take on the new year. I’m kissing my 2023-self on the cheek, commending her for her hard work. And I’m diving head first into 2024, proud and ready for what’s to come.
Leaving in 2023
Making excuses to myself
No more pushing back the things I want to work on because x, y, or z. I’m so good at finding reasons why I should not work on my little projects, choosing the route of least resistance each time. None of that in 2024.
Going to too many events
I have a tendency to say yes to all the thrilling events I’m invited to through my job. It always however leaves me feeling stressed, like I’m doing too much, and don’t have enough time for my personal goals. In 2024, I’m saying no more often to focus my energy on other things.
Eating too many frozen foods
Sure, frozen foods save me a ton of time. But I’ve decided my health is not something I should be sacrificing time on. In 2024, I’m cooking more and diversifying my kitchen skills.
Not showing up for myself
There was a lot going on in 2023, which unintentionally left me with not a lot of time to actually show up for myself. Looking back, I kind of left Bianca in a ditch as I went above and beyond for work and relationships. In the last wing of 2023, I finally reached my arm out to my dear self and picked her up again. Never again are we sacrificing myself for anything at all. Period.
Bitch. None of that crying shit in 2024. We are moving forward, upwards, and onwards, and those that want to come with may come with. I know myself as someone who will try everything on the list plus alpha to have good relations with the people I care about, and that’s a trait I like in myself. However, there comes a time you have to let go and just be there with yourself when you realize all your efforts don’t really make a difference.
Bring Into 2024
This sounds a little vague, but I’ve finally regained my spirit, my strength, my two feet. The vision is clear and the gut is strong. We are keeping that energy all throughout 2024.
My love for my people
Everything = people. I will continue to cherish the time I get to spend with my friends and family, and make sure they know just how much love I have to pour into them.
The travel bug
I didn’t travel much in 2023, but the bitch (bitch = travel bug 🐞) is back baby. We will be outtcheaa seeing new places, gaining new perspectives, and living that life.
Consistency and discipline
I will do better at creating and sticking to a schedule, prioritizing working on this blog, my youtube, and my work. I won’t let myself be distracted too easily by all the bling that NYC has to offer. We are strapping down and getting serious about the projects.
My relationship with myself
Like I said, I lost myself a little last year, too busy with all the many things in front of me. Arms are locked with me and myself, and we are walking together through 2024, always reminding myself that I’ve got me.