PC: @hello_noemie
I think there is a time and a place for affordable jewelry. Time being while you’re young, and place being in your youth. Okay jokes aside, I know that affordable jewelry comes in handy when you want to dip your toes into a trend, don’t have the budget for quality materials, or simply have too many accessories you want to get your hands on. But there comes a time when you tire the ephemeral bling and want something more lasting. Something that you can wear 24-7 and never worry about it tarnishing or losing its appeal. I know I’ve entered that stage in my life, and have since gotten my hands on some truly beautiful jewelry that feels signature to me. A dainty gold bracelet, a diamond pendant necklace, and of course, my grandmother’s priceless rings and chains. I find myself rarely ever turning to my collection of costume jewelry, unless they hold a very specific shape that’s fitting to an occasion. I’ve learned that while the initial payment may seem grand in fine jewelry, the cost-per-wear (is this a girl math thing?) makes them much more “affordable” in the end. Factor in their visual appeal (trust me, you can’t mistake solid gold from gold-plated brass), and they become a much smarter purchase overall. If you’re ready to commit to something more serious (did I just lose all my readers with commitment issues?), then find yourself in awe of the below best fine jewelry brands.