Psst… Summer is Not Over IN THESE 6 CITIES


PC: Pinterest


I hate the feeling of having missed out on summer. It’s my favorite season, but it also happens to be the one that goes by the fastest. One minute you’re unpacking your bikinis and the next you’re realizing you’ve only worn them once all summer. If I didn’t go to the beach, drink a ton of white wine, twirl in a dress, get a little sun kissed, visit a coastal town… did summer even happen? The answer is no, it did not. And truthfully, the colder months are far too long and unforgiving to have to wait through before you can enjoy the heat again. And while most blogs, magazines, and Instagram accounts are excitedly welcoming fall (which by the way, I do enjoy as well), I like to be a little summer grinch and hold onto the most lively season as long as I can. Maybe if you spent the last few months watching everyone flock to Italy while you were sitting at home chonking through work, you feel the same. If you do, I’ve got a little treat for you: it’s still summer in a lot of areas. Are they as hot as they were two months ago? Likely not, which is only reason to love them more, as some of these places heat up like an oven in July (and who wants to be roasted like that?). If you’re looking to elongate summer vibes, then book a quick last minute trip to any of the six locations below!

Seville, Spain

Seville’s October temperatures are still well around 26 degrees celsius (79 Fahrenheit). But it’s more than just the temperature that makes it feel like summer — it’s the many palm trees and the proximity to the ocean that keeps the spirit lively.

El Nido, Palawan, Philippines

Of course, anywhere in the Philippines will be more or less warm the entire year. But while most people travel there in the dead of (western) winter, October marks the end of wet season in the Philippines and starts to become a great time to visit.

Lamu, Kenya

Kenya’s been on my bucketlist for a while now, and I recently stumbled upon the island of Lamu. Surrounded by oceans and filled with culture, the location stays warm almost year round.

Mallorca, Spain

Mallorca, the lovely island off the east coast of mainland Spain, boasts vacation vibes and a carefree attitude all year long. October, however, is a wonderful time to go as tourism is less but the temperatures are high.

Antalya, Turkey

Amazing food, beautiful beaches, and rich with culture, Antalya is the vacation destination in Turkey. It will still be warm enough in October to visit their waterfalls and mountains, so this location is a must!

While many people flock to Cancun or Tulum to escape the winter, Mexico City is just as worthy of a visit. While it’s not near a beach, it’s rich with culture, food, and permanent summer vibes.


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