These Are The 7 Ab Workouts I Used To SNATCH MY WAIST
PC: @isabellemathers
Recently someone on my Youtube channel asked me if I could drop my workout routine. Because I’m no fitness guru, I hesitated to do so. But then I realized hey, maybe it’s because I’m no fitness guru that I should — I’m a real person who went through trial and error to find a way to get rid of my lil belly pouch where I store my extra cookies (new girl reference, anyone?).
But before I get into it, I’m just going to caveat that obviously all bodies are different, I’m not offering any scientific workout routines, nor am I saying belly fat is bad. I am simply sharing what I’ve done, what worked, and how I lost 15 pounds of fat since my heaviest point and gained back five pounds in pure muscle. I am not promissing that what works for me will work for you, so please take everything with a grain of salt.
The next thing I’m going to say is that you probably won’t find any surprises here! There’s no secret recipe to getting a snatched waist. The tale is as old as time – it’s working out and eating right.
Personally, I love fitness. I have a lot of energy and mental issue (lol) and working out makes me feel strong both physically and mentally. I workout because if I don’t, I spiral out of control – the visual gains are merely a beneficial side effect. Working out is my me-time, it’s when I get to blast music, get lost in my brain, feel in control and strong. When the day was particularly rough, I rely on the burst of endorphins to pick me up again and remind me I’m in control, I can do this. Please go on your own fitness journey in the healthiest way possible. Now, let’s get into my ab workout routine.
*I don’t know the official name of a lot of these exercises, I apologize.
*I use 5 pound ankle weights for the following exercises
1. Extended arm & leg, elbows to knees
Get on your hands and knees into a table pose. Extend your right arm forward and your left leg backward and hold for 20 seconds. After 20 seconds, crunch your elbow to your knee in and out ten times. Repeat on the other side
2. Crunches
Next, do 20 crunches. Make sure you’re using your belly to lift your upper body.
3. Russian Twists
I use a 26lbs dumbell, lift my feet off the ground, and twist left to right. I do 30 reps (left and right side count as 2 reps)
4. Penguins
Lie back down on your back and bring your ankles close to your butt. Lift your upper body off the floor and twist left and right, touching your ankles. Do 20 reps.
5. Leg Lifts
Complete 15 leg lifts, and make sure your feet don’t touch the ground in the duration.
6. Planks
Hold in plank position for one minute
7. Weighted side dips
Stand up and grab some weights (I use a 26lbs dumbell). Start by standing straight while holding the dumbell in one hand. Dip the dumbell downwards on one side and lift up again. Repeat 10 reps on each side. This is the exercise that will best create that V-muscle on your belly.
Repeat this set three times.