Fun Things To Do In The Winter, JANUARY EDITION
PC: Pinterest
Now that the holidays are over, I’m definitely feeling the effects of a quiet January, both in a good and in an uninspiring way. The first ten days were spent either with covid, or at the ER with my dog (I’ve said this before, but I don’t have the best of luck with new years), so there hasn’t been a lot of downtime yet for me to enjoy. That being said, I know those winter blues are coming for me, ready to drain the life out of me and make me question why I didn’t move to Hawaii with my parents. Winter feels very uninspiring to me, despite all the pretty places to visit in the winter. But I’m vowing to not let the cold temperatures and gray skies bring me down. I’m going to enjoy this winter like it’s the last one I’ll ever have, while simultaneously remembering to rest as well.
There are some things we simply need summers to enjoy, but I did begin to find that other activities — like reading — are actually more fun in the winter. I figured if I compiled a whole list of fun activities to do in January, maybe I can avoid seasonal depression all together. If you’re feeling my drift, read along for all the fun things to do in winter.
1. Go Where The Snow Is
I don’t know where you are, but where I reside, snow doesn’t really stick to the ground. If it does, it turns into ugly gray slush. If we’re gonna experience winter we may as well experience it right and see some snow. That to me would mean driving up north along the east coast. Maybe I’ll make a snowman and take a selfie with it.
2. Visit The Museums
I have a tendency to only go to museums when the weather is drab — luckily that happens a lot in the winter. It’s the perfect time to catch up on all the exhibitions and find inspiration in a painting.
3. Host a Wine Or a Movie Night
The party doesn’t have to end in January. Gather some friends and have an intimate wine night. If you’re participating in dry January, make it a movie night instead. Projectors aren’t too expensive nowadays, and you can all have a fun yet warm night together.
4. Take a Pottery Class
January is a great time to learn a new skill! A skill that can be completed indoors, preferably. I’ve been wanting to take pottery classes, so that’s on my list. But going to a paint and sip class or a yoga studio is equally as rewarding.
5. Create a Reading List & Stick To It
Escapism! It’s best done in the winter. Create a list of books you want to get through and really stick with it. Reading a good book is like transporting into a new world, and in this sense, you get to escape the winter.
6. Go Ice Skating
It needed to be in here: go ice skating. It’s an activity that can solely be done in the winter, so you may as well enjoy it.
7. Go To a Jazz Bar
Nothing screams cozy like going to an underground jazz bar with live music, a fireplace, and a mulled wine at hand. It allows you to get out of the house a little and do more than just drink.
8. Go To a Spa
I rarely ever treat myself to a spa. Why? Because I don’t have the time — well at least not in the summer. In the winter time? Man this IS the time for treating yourself, especially when seasonal depression is lurking around the corner.
9. Finally Start That Project
You’ve been putting it off for long enough, but now is the time. Dive right into that project you’ve been thinking about, whether that’s starting a blog (hey!), selling your pottery, or writing a book. Now is the time to do it.