Everything I Do To Prep BEFORE A TRIP
PC: @ashtonwood
You know what my favorite time of the year is? Vacation time. And my second favorite time? Prepping for vacation time. One thing about me is that I’m going to enjoy everything that touches the topic of travel, including prepping, packing, spending time at the airport, and flying. I’m heading to Hawaii in a few days, and although I’m busy with work and organizing my dog’s care for while I’m out, I’m still trying to remember to go through my checklist of things to prepare before boarding my flight. It helps to write it out so that I don’t forget a single important thing (like buying travel-sized toiletry bottles) that will feel far too stressful to leave to the last minute. There’s lots to be done and doing them sparks that pre-vacation joy and thus, in my opinion, tricks the brain into thinking you’re on vacation longer than you actually are. So, I figured I’ll share said checklist in case you were wondering what you should prepare before a trip, and help you feel more organized and relaxed as you head out of town. .
Water the plants and make sure they’re taken care of during the duration of the trip
Get my nails done
Prepare travel-sized shampoo & conditioner
Organize my destination-appropriate skincare
Pack my on-flight skincare
If applicable, learn a few phrases in the local language
Make sure I have a book to read on the trip
Make sure I have my laptop, phone, and camera charged right before leaving
Prep my airport outift
Plan my vacation outfits
Journal my intentions for the trip (best done on the plane)
Buy snacks for the flight
Make sure there are no perishables in the fridge
Download all the music I plan on listening to
Download any Netflix shows I plan on watching
And last but not least, set my emails to OOO.