The Best Destinations to ESCAPE THE WINTER


PC: Freyabroni


The wintertime is all fun and games until about halfway through January. Up until then, you’ve got the holidays, the family gatherings, and the glitz and the glam of a new year. You might need two weeks afterwards to recover from all the excitement, physically and financially, and then it hits you: seasonal depression.

If you’re anything like me, you find the cold and gloomy wintertime to be dreadful. It’s during this time where I begin to ponder about warm destinations in the tropics. I’m trying to cut down on the amount of trips I take in a year, but please, allow me to collect some hot destinations for you to add to your itinerary and let me live vicariously through you. Go. Escape the harsh harsh winter. Save yourself.

Leaving the cold in February or March is like hitting the reset button. You get to defrost that cold heart and set ablaze a little motivation again. Seriously, there’s nothing like flying out of a hibernating city and landing into somewhere hot and pumping with life again. The sight of a mere tree with all its leaves alone is enough to get me going again. So if you need an escape, a change of scenery, and some sunshine on your skin, then read on to find the best destinations to escape the winter.


1. Punta Cana, Dominican Republic

Punta Cana is always hot, making it a reliable (and nearby) destination to go to when you want to escape the cold winter blizzard. It boasts crystal clear waters, beautiful caves, exciting clubs, and, uh, clubs inside caves. Yup!

2. Melbourne, Australia

The land down under has a reverse seasonal clock as we do here in the states. Our winters are their summers, and vice versa. Yes, it’s a long trip from, basically anywhere in the world, but if you don’t mind traveling for 30 hours one way (from New York), then you’re going to have a blast visiting this exciting city, gawking at the wild birds, and drinking delicious coffee.

3. Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is very high up on my bucket list, as I’m yearning to see the lush nature and vibrant culture. I don’t have a specific city in mind, but from what I understand the entire country is small enough for you to visit its entirety in a few days.

4. Singapore

Everyone should visit Singapore at least once in their lifetime, although the city (and country wrapped in one) are so quick to change that it’s worth giving it multiple visits. Gawk at the world’s most impressive airport before being amazed at the city that manages to live in the future and the past at the same time.

5. San Juan, Puerto Rico

If you’re into surfing, then Puerto Rico is going to be a blast for you. Although it’s less hot than the other destinations listed here, it’s vibrant with lush forests and beautiful nature. Just know that it can be quite foggy throughout the week.

6. Playa Del Carmen, Mexico

Listen, skip Cancun, skip Tulum, and just go straight to Playa del Carmen. I’ve been there a few times now and it never dissapoints. The incredible nature, the strips of stores and food, the wild amounts of xenotes. Not to mention, Tulum is an easy hour drive away if you get bored :)


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