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If you know me, you know I’m a huge advocate for good sleep. Anybody that gets at least eight hours of sleep (honestly women need more around nine) I applaud. Anyone that brags about functioning on six hours of sleep or less I say your conversations would be more interesting if you slept eight. There is so much to love about sleep beyond the scientific benefits of better brain function and uplifted mood throughout the day. Sleep is when the brain gets to escape the physical realities of your world and enter some dreamland where anything is possible. It’s when your subconscious thoughts come out to play a little or when the universe has better access to communicate with you. It’s when you get to close out the chapter of a specific day and enter some portal before waking up to a new chance to start fresh. But if you’re not getting good rest at night, you’re missing out on some of the most vital hours of the day that causes a chain reaction of bad things during your waking hours. If you feel as though you’re being robbed of shut-eye, then I’ve got some tips to getting better sleep for you.

1. Consider it a priority to go to bed early

Sleep tends to be the thing that comes after all your daily priorities. It’s what you do after you worked, exercised, ate, watched tv, talked to family etc. You feel as though until all those things are done, you can’t go to sleep. Wrong. Decide on a specific time you want to sleep, say 10:30PM, and have that be a hard stop to your day. Everything else needs to work around this deadline for you to be in bed. It’s not just about landing in the sheets earlier, but signaling to your brain that you have given rest a space and priority.

2. Turn going to bed into a ritual

It’s no surprise that if you’re diving head first into bed after a racing day that it’s going to take your mind some time to process, slow down, and finally shut off. There needs to be some kind of routine that your head can get used to and read as a sign of preparation to go to sleep. Anywhere between 30 minutes to an hour before heading to rest, begin a nighttime ritual. It can start with lighting the same candle every night before going into your skincare routine. Take a journal and jot down a few thoughts. Have a dedicated set of pajamas that are NOT your loungewear.

3. Journal before sleeping

If what’s keeping you up at night are racing thoughts, then you might benefit from a short journaling session before dozing off. Acknowledge those anxious thoughts and give them a release so that they don’t play on repeat in your mind. You can also write down a few things you want to accomplish tomorrow. The brain senses that it’s been organized and recognized, giving it more peace to fall asleep.

4. Make your bed space look pretty

Your bed is a sacred place, treat it like it! Get the cutest bed sheets you can find and make up your bed every morning — it needs to look inviting. If your blanket is thrown every which way and acting like a pile of chaos, are you really so surprised that your sleep also feels like chaos? See some cute bedding options below!

5. Exercise during the day

If you’re struggling to get a deep sleep at night, it might be because you didn’t exert enough energy during the day. Are you mostly sitting by a desk staring at a computer screen even after work? You’re not exhausting your body enough to the point that it really needs rest. Make sure to incorporate some form of routine exercise in your week (doesn’t have to be daily!).

6. Keep your bedtime consistent

How is your body supposed to know when to shut off when you keep changing its bedtime schedule? If you’re going to sleep at 10:00PM one night and then at 12:00AM the next, your brain doesn’t know when it’s meant to be active and when it’s time to sleep. Keep it consistent where sleep is concerned so your brain kicks into its own sleep routine at the same time each day.

7. Avoid eating too late

If you’re eating right before sleeping, your body is still busy digesting and likely won’t go to rest easily. Try to finish up your meal at least two hours before hitting the hay.


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