7 Moves To Get a SEXY TONED BACK


PC: @itsviolet____


I’m guilty of de-prioritizing my back muscles simply because they’re not included in my peripheral vision. However, considering I have thrown my back out multiple times already at a ripe age of 26, I figured it’s about time I get to strengthening my back. Lucky for us, it doesn’t actually take too much to get a toned back (and I do mean toned, if you’re looking to get a buff back, this might not be the article for you). Rotating between these three exercises is enough to keep your muscles massaged and used. Include them into your usual routines and it will only add tops seven minutes to your workout.


Quadruped Work

  • Face down and place all hands and knees to the ground.

  • Lift your opposing arm and leg up and hold for 20 seconds

  • Gently come back down and lift the other arm and leg, hold for 20 seconds

  • Repeat four times

Lat Pulldown

  • Sit in an upright position

  • Wrap a resistance band around a sturdy pole, holding one end in each hand

  • Bend your elbows and pull down slowly, stop when your weights measure below your ears

  • Lift back up again and repeat 10 times for three sets

Back Extensions

  • Lie your belly on an exercise ball

  • Lift your arms out in front of you

  • Bend at the waist and lift your upper body

  • Gently bring back down again and repeat ten times for three sets


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