5 Proactive Ways to Disconnect FROM YOUR PHONE


PC: Studio Ghibli


At this point we all know that staying glued to our phones can be incredibly harmful. Not just for our mind, but also for our eyes and skin. Most of us spend the entire day staring at a screen, whether it’s for work or for pleasure. You’ve probably noticed that this high-level of physical contact we hold with digital devices has been giving you anxiety, shortening your attention spans, and just in general lowering your moods. If you’ve been wanting to create a bit of a distance between you and your phone, then you’ve come to the right place.

Now digital devices are going to be in your life, period. While that can’t be avoided, you can control how much you let it consume your attention. Yes, the internet can feel like a void sometimes that just sucks you in. It might feel like it’s out of your control. But that’s obviously not true. It’s going to take some conscious action to build a little distance. But once you do, you’ll notice that you are much more in tune with yourself, much more calm, and a whole lot more positive.

It might take a few tries to finally get into a good rhythm, but stay focused and keep going. The benefits will be well worth it!

1. Mentally, Make it Your Number 1 Priority

This might seem small, but it’s actually the number one thing that will determine if you succeed or not. We turn on our phone screens so automatically we do not even think about it. We do it idly, whenever we have nothing to do with our hands or are switching from one activity to another. Make it your priority to stay away from your phone and you will be much more aware each time your hand moves toward it.

2. Only Pick Up Your Phone 1 out of 5 times

Physically stop yourself from grabbing your phone when you move towards it. Think if you actually need to retrieve important information from it, or if you are just bored. Then think if this thing needs to happen right now, or if you can bundle it with another to-do item later. Mentally go through this thought process and then do or don’t pick up the phone.

3. Rest Your Phone With The Screen Facing Down

I noticed that doing this small simple thing already made me feel much more disconnected. I find my eyes darting towards my phone screen every few seconds when it is next to me, faced up. Like I expect it to light up, even when it doesn’t. The simple act of facing it down gives me peace of mind.

4. Turn Your Phone Off A Few Hours in The Day

This is only necessary if you really find it difficult to keep yourself from it. If your phone and laptop are connected, you can still check your texts and dm’s on your computer. And let’s be real, that’s probably the only information you need access to. The phone entices us to scroll for hours, but the laptop can keep you from falling into that trap.

5. Pick Up a New Form of Entertainment

Our phones provide us with ample amounts of entertainment. That’s what we mostly use it for after all, no? Entertainment from our friends, from pictures, from videos, and from movies. Find a new form of entertainment that replaces scrolling through your phone in the evenings. Reading a book is the most common replacement. You can however also paint, write, dance, play an instrument, etc. This one-on-one time with you and you only will be the most beneficial investment into your mental health.


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