“Manifestation” - a word, or better yet a movement, that’s currently taking over the internet. What kind of life are you manifesting for yourself? What kind of spiritual, financial, situational blessings do you hope to bring onto your life? 

I’m one hell of  a big believer in manifesting things into existence. Why? Because, I’ve done it. Everything I’ve ever wanted came true. I am currently living my childhood dreams and there’s truly no better feeling. From the work I wanted, the travels, the love, the friends, the SELF love, everything is exactly as I had hoped it would be. I am and have been the main character since I was 17 (I’m 26 now, hello world 👋🏼) because I prioritized myself and my thoughts at an early age. I knew I was it before others ever confirmed it. And just like magic, my world began to shift. Some things I worked for, and others occurred as if the universe blessed me with an enchantment. I sent a thought into space and with time, space responded. You might be reading this thinking: “is it really that simple?”. Well, yes and no. Looking back, I’ve always been following a certain pattern to bring my dreams to life. “Manifesting” the kind of future I wanted. I’m breaking down this pattern below so you can follow along too. Read, drink tea, let it settle, and do as you please with this information :)

Time to Daydream and Learn What You Want

Before we even start, you need to know what it exactly is that you wish for. If the answer to this isn’t clear yet, give yourself uninterrupted time (I mean off of social media and away from social gatherings) to really let your mind run wild. Where does it run to and where does it tend to linger? Be honest with yourself here. If it’s Hermés bags and private jets, then KEEP that energy! When you feel your excitement levels rise with certain imaginations, linger on those and expand. Think about the type of person you want to be, how you want to see yourself, how you want others to see you, how you want to dress, what foods you want to eat, where you want to live, the love you wish to receive, the work you want to create, etc. Give yourself MONTHS in this stage, honestly. Brew that bucket of bright ideas like your life depends on it (because it lowkey does!).

Time to Write Those Daydreams Down

When you feel like you’ve got a good vision in your mind, write those thoughts down. I’m not talking about just once and then never again. I mean repeatedly bring snippets of your manifestations into your notes. One day you can write about your financial goals, another day about your spiritual goals, etc. Make it a lifetime routine to always bring in your goals into your writing.

Time to Move Intentionally Towards It

I think there’s two parts to this. Some of it happens consciously, and the other part passively. Perhaps the conscious part helps pull the passive part along, but who knows. What I’m recommending here is to dress the part, mimic the lifestyle, and practice the mindset you desire. What is needed to fully achieve your goals? Intentionally move towards this future you see yourself in. Some may have clear actionable goals. You want to build a company? Start making a business plan. You want to travel? Carve out time and save money. Others feel more like a waltz with the universe. If your challenge is to love yourself more, it might take more of a trial and error approach. But I guarantee you, if you keep self love as the guiding star you move toward, it will without a doubt come to you.


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