The Ebb and Flow of HEALTHY EATING


PC: @christinanadin


By now, we’re seemingly good at accepting the highs and lows of life. When shit hits the roof, our perfectly lacquered mental health routines kick in, and we journal, practice self love, and maybe have a healthy cry. We’re lucky to live in a time and society that *finally* recognizes mental health as an important aspect to life, so when we’re in an ebb, we’re encouraged to rest.

Now let’s take that same concept and apply it to food! (my favorite). Just like life, food needs a balance as well. And I’m not just talking a balance of healthy foods like leafy greens and grains. I mean you need to incorporate your “guilty” (not guilty at all, but you get the phrase) pleasures at regular intervals in your diet as well. Call them cheat days or simply living life, but know that they shouldn’t and can’t be missed.

And no, this isn’t for your physical health, this is for your mental health.

Honestly, what fun is it chomping down on carrots (no matter how well seasoned or marinated) compared to a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie. I’m a firm believer you shouldn’t do anything in excess. Don’t cut out foods, drinks, or anything considered “bad” completely (Unless it’s harming you). Instead, find a system that works both for your mind and body. Here’s what I (roughly) follow. Remember, having some guidance to food is helpful, but if the act of setting up yet another system in your life is causing you stress, just follow these steps roughhlyy, casually.


Maintain a Healthy Diet at Home

Home is where I choose to eat right. Partially because I’m not a great cook and whipping up a simple meal is easy. It’s where I have the best control on my food intake, and there’s few things tempting me to “cheat”. No luring menu’s with “chocolate lava cake” and no friends tempting me with their choices. You also have full control on what you put into your meals. You can choose how much oil you want to use, and choose what time you want to eat.

Eat Whatever You Desire When You Go Out

Because I’ve been so “good” 5 or 6 days of the week eating at home, I allow myself to eat whatever my heart desires when I go out. Nothing is off the table. Cakes, croissants, pastas - you name it. I do not restrain myself at all here. This is what I call *balance*.

Once a Month, Eat Whatever You Want, Wherever You Are

Here’s the thing: even eating healthy at home can become too much at some point. I imagine it to be a little “health” pile that I stack and stack and stack and eventually it tips over. My motivation and desire to have a quinoa salad for dinner just freefalls down that tower, and I let it. This is a good thing. Usually this coincides with my PMS time, so I go ahead and buy a pack of cookies, chips, extra bottles of wine, and cozy myself up in my room. Once that need has been satisfied, I happily strap myself up again and start building that pile from scratch.


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