How to Romanticize The Winter And GET COZY


PC: @birtahlin


We have to give it to the Scandinavians for winning winter. Some might say it’s not hard when they literally live in the fairy tale image of winter — snow-kissed streets and holiday decorations everywhere. Despite the sun setting as early as 3:00pm in some regions, they have managed to keep seasonal depression at bay (to a degree) and embrace the cozy vibes that darkness give way to.

I’m sure you have heard a thing or two of hygge by now. It’s a Norwegian-born, Danish-popularized concept of creating a peacefully cozy environment. Think fireplace, candles, hot cocoa, fuzzy socks, baking, and home-cooked dinners with friends. And while it’s not strictly a winter thing, its definintely more emphasized and practiced at times when the world outside the windows look painfully bleak.

I personally have a special winter this year, at least up until the end of January. Due to a mix of things, I’m spending the majority of the season by myself, so I’ve decided to indulge in the slow and calm. I’m really going to romanticize this time, pour love into my self, my every day, and embrace the hygge lifestyle to its fullest. I figured I may as well list out the things I’ll be doing below, so you can romanticize the cold as well. If I can do it as a certified summer girl who mostly only breaks out in the winter, you can to. Let’s get into this.

1. Stock up on some candles

Key to a hyggelig winter is candles! And not just any, I’m obsessed with the ones from Anthropologie. It’s their signature scent you smell when you walk into their store, and for some reason I tie this scent to Christmas. While I let this scent power through my home, I keep the rest of the lights scent-free but decorative.

2. Make a holiday checklist

I promise you the holidays are going to whizz by if you don’t pay attention. Here’s my holiday checklist if you need some inspiration, but you pretty much just want to make sure you get out of the house a few times, see some new sights, watch some holiday films, and really get into the spirit of the holidays.

3. Bake Cookies

Since I was a toddler, my family has been baking cookies like we run a workshop in December. It fills the house with delicious scents, my belly with tasty treats, and my heart with love. Not only is it a fun and festive activity in the winter, but it will help heat up the house in a cozy way.

4. Go to the movie theater alone

Okay, you don’t theoretically have to do this alone, but I find it romantic to do things solo so I’m sticking to my point. It’s a fun way to get out of the house without freezing or being run over by tourists at a Christmas market. And at a time when winter blues are freezing your inspiration, movies can jumpstart some of that creative flow again.

5. Read a book

Lately I’ve been spending more time reading again, and it’s been so much fun. I love entertainment that isn’t digital, and I have to say there’s nothing more cozy and fun than lighting a few candles, snuggling into your bed, and reading a thrilling book.

6. Sit down and do a deep dive into your life

What better time to fully self reflect than at the end of the year? It’s time to grab your journal and really think about the trajectory of your life. What have you done so far that has been a success? What still needs some fine-tuning? Set yourself up for a great 2024 by really analyzing where you are now.

7. Stock up on hot chocolate, chai tea, and coffee

An essential part of hygge is to never run out of any hot beverages. Make sure you always have enough tea, hot cocoa, and coffee in your cupboard. And of course, mulled wine is also a go!

8. Go see the Christmas decorations

Wherever you are, I’m sure your town has set up festive lights around to gawk at. Go ahead, go gawk. Take yourself on a calm walk and let the light show spark some inspiration in you.

9. Decorate your home with flowers

There may be a lack of life outside, but you can still purchase bouquets and decorate your home with them. It’s vital to our mental health to see some leaves and flowers, so spruce up your home with some festive florals.

10. Buy cozy blankets and hoodies

You obviously need some comfy blankets and apparel! In order to avoid completely bumming it, opt for cute blankets and clothes that still make you feel a little put together.

11. Host a holiday party

Invite your closest friends over for some cocktails and cookies! Nothing makes you feel warmer than being surrounded by the people you love and celebrating the year that just passed together.


It’s Time to Get In The Holiday Spirit, AND HERE IS HOW


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