3 Feel-Good Activities You Can Do to INCREASE SELF LOVE


PC: @orionvanessa


Have you been feeling rather down about yourself? Don’t worry, there’s a big chance your mood had been significantly effected by the winter temperatures. But the sun is rising and staying up longer. The flowers are waking up from deep hibernation. And you, my love, are way overdue for some self-love activities.

Self-love is a journey, as I’m sure you’re aware. It’s going to take more than a few words of affirmation and a good skincare routine. My best advice for your journey of self-love is: enjoy the ride. Enjoy the slow experience of getting to know yourself. The time will pass anyway, so sit back, take it at your own pace, and enjoy putting effort into the best project you’ll work on your whole life: You.

The changing of a season is a great time to hit reset. Take a moment to reflect where you are right now, and jot down what you like, what you want to change, and what can or cannot be “fixed”. When your mind feels organized, participate in any or all of the next 3 activities of self love.

Dance it out

Blast your favorite music girl, and dance it out. Whether you have hips like Shakira or move like a two legged crab is irrelevant. Create a makeshift dance floor wherever you can find at least a two meter radius and dance. it. out. Nobody is watching so let go of any feelings of judgement. Move the way your body wants to move and make eye contact with the mirror. Not only are you pumping serotonin and endorphins through your body, but this is vital 1 on 1 me-time with your reflection. You’re going to come out of this feeling infinitely better.

Go on a date with yourself

YOU DESERVE IT. If there’s one thing that I attribute my self-love to the most its the amount of hours I spent treating myself. I frequently take myself out on a nice date and it’s simply glorious. Make a whole day out of it. Here’s a great first date if you don’t know where to start.

  1. Run to the bakery and pick up a few pastries

  2. Set up a picnic at the park and eat, read, bask in the sun

  3. Indulge in some shopping. Go wherever you want and listen to some jams while at it

  4. Head on over to the bar and have a drink and journal about your day

Buy yourself flowers and write a letter

I recently saw a funny meme that said: “What’s a girl gotta do to get some flowers, die?!”

While it did make me giggle, you can totally get yourself some flowers hunny! Take it up a notch and write a love letter to yourself to go with it. Nothing spruces up a place like some fresh beautiful flowers. While the bouquet rests on your desk, take a moment to write down all the things you love about yourself. Write about your achievement so far (no matter how little they may be! Sometimes just getting out of bed is a huge win). It can be as superficial or as deep as you want to make it. Even if you feel like you’re faking it a little, write about it. Go ahead and adore yourself. I promise the love will grow from there.


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